Showing posts with label Django. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Django. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Roadmap for full stack development

You can choose one of the following stack to start with full stack development :

LAMP stack: JavaScript - Linux - Apache - MySQL - PHP 
LEMP stack: JavaScript - Linux - Nginx - MySQL - PHP 
MEAN stack: JavaScript - MongoDB - Express - AngularJS - Node.js 
Django stack: JavaScript - Python - Django - MySQL 
Ruby on Rails: JavaScript - Ruby - SQLite - Rails

A full stack web developer is a person who can develop both client and server software.

Along HTML and CSS, one should also know :

  • . Program a browser - like using JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, or Vue
  • . Program a server  - like using PHP, ASP, Python, or Node
  • . Program a database  - like using SQL, SQLite, or MongoDB

Some Top Skills : 

1. Front End Development

The artist in a Full Stack Web Developer is fully unleashed for Front End Development as it deals with the application parts that the users can see and interact with. The main technologies required for Front End development are HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript And that’s not all! Extra knowledge of third-party libraries like jQuery, Angular and ReactJs, etc. is also extremely helpful.

2. Back End Development

While front-end is the part of the application the user sees, the back end is often the mystical part that remains unseen. It handles the database operations, user authentication and application logic (Yeah, all the complicated things!). There are multiple languages that are used in Back End Development such as Java, Python, PHP, Ruby,Nodejs  etc. While every developer claims that their favorite language is the best, all of these languages have a market demand for suitable projects.

3. Databases

What can an application manage without data? Well, nothing at all!

And that’s why a database is the most important part of any application as it is required to store and access the data. So a Full Stack Web Developer needs to know the divide between Relational and NoSQL databases to understand the situations in which each would be useful. They should also be familiar with databases of each type such as MYSQL, MongoDB, etc. In addition to all this, knowledge of caching options such as Redis, Memcached, and Varnish would only be a plus!

4. Version Control System

There are multiple versions of an application. Now, what if a particular version needs to be recalled? That’s where the Version Control System comes in. It’s basically a system that records the changes made to the application files over time so that specific versions can be recalled later if required.

Git, in particular, is a Version Control System System that can be used to obtain the latest code, update parts of the code, and change other people’s code as well without creating a major mess of things!!!